Shibansh Sahoo.


Hello my name is Shibansh Sahoo. I’m a current 4th year graduate of I completed my engineering at S.I.T (Silicon Institute of Technology) an AICTE approved college in ECE Branch. I am a confused soul most of the times figuring things out but as I am getting older I now at least know the things that I don’t want to do. Now my mind is clear in this field that I want to be an UI and UX developer. I am still figuring a way to achieve my dream. Other than this I am real big fan of nba, especially Stephen Curry. While he changed the game I want to change my life. That’s it for now, you would be thinking this about section is too small, well don’t worry it’s my life I’ll change it once I accomplish something.

a random person

My Skills


While I am pretty proficient in html I still do not know why does the ‹strong› tag exist if you have Other than that I’m pretty proficient in html. ‹html› I start and end my journey within these tags just like all others ‹/html›


I am proficient with ‹CSS› as well. I am also pretty good with using SCSS. I did not mention it separately because it’s just a CSS preprocessor. I really enjoy ‹CSS› battle playground online. ‹Z-index› stuff sometimes really get on my nerve.


I am proficient with ‹JS›. I like using regular ‹JS› as well as many different libraries for many different purposes. Here I like to do the most of the stuff within ‹JS› by myself without taking help from the libraries as much as possible.


I am pretty good at using this library. Although i’m pretty New to the library im already really good at using it. I really like the reusability property of react where ‹AnewFile /› that I created can be used in multiple different Projects.


I am proficient with ‹Java› as well. It’s the first programming language that I learnt properly up to industry standards. When I was learning I used to think ‹JAVA› and ‹JS› are the same thing, how wrong I was.


I am very good with ‹SQL› as well, I genuinely do not have much to say about it. Thinking using Some Lorem Ipsum text here would help. To quote the great Kevin Durant as he once said “‹SQL› what is that?” . Ok he did not say this


I am pretty proficient with ‹Photoshop›, in fact the image that you see in the about section is an edited image, that I made. I kept the theme black and white so that I’m not stuck in the color matching process longer. You will not see the photo if you are using a smartphone, you know responsive stuff.


I am pretty proficient with ‹Illustrator› as well. Logo making, flat designs, app designs anything that you would need. I can make it easily using ‹Illustrator›. I also have my personal pen tab so illustrations become really easy to make


As I aspire to be a UI and UX designer I’m also really good with ‹Adobe XD›. Knowing this really helps because once I had designed my website in here it is really is to code the website because you have something o reference.

My Project


A project where we created a hand gesture control robot with the help of Audrino Nano.We created its controller on a glove as hand controlled, with a transmitter, receiver, accelerometer etc.We programmed it with Core-C.Our project has various applications from use in military to detect landmines to industrial use for transportation


A Project based on facial recognition for atendance purposes. We used Python ,Open-CV,t-kinter, mysql here. We alos used two algorithms here, Haar Cascade and LBPH Algorithm(Local Binary Pattern Historgram).Our project has various applications from use from institutional use to commercial use. Even it can be used by the Law enforcement department to identify Criminal by security camera

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